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Dark Star

Book Whore
I so enjoyed all the creepy pictures the other night, of the huge ass spiders and that crazy Chinese Hornet, I thought it'd be fun to talk about shit that has scared us, made us scream in terror, run away like little girls, etc.....you get the idea. Share away, friends, share away.

I shall begin with the reason why I suffer so badly from arachnophobia. You know fear of those nasty, hairy, sneaky, eight-legged freaks....SPIDERS!!!!
When I was just a wee child, of the tender age of 6 or 7, I headed out to the back porch to slip on my shoes. Such a sweet little child I was, wanting to help my daddy out in the garden on a Spring morn. Well, holy shit, I find my little shoes.....(this is 1970/71...they were little canvass slip-on shoes, very popular nowadays. I started to stick my precious, tiny, baby foot in my little canvass shoe and what do you think is in my fucking shoe???? Yep, ya guessed it, a huge spider. One of those fuzzy brown wolf spiders that look like mini tarantulas. This spider was kind enough not to bite my baby foot, but it did walk right over the top of it, exiting to the right side. I remember screaming, but it was like my mouth was open and nothing was coming out.....well, something came out because I remember my mom running out on the back porch with me, wondering what in the hell my problem was. I was able to speak even though horribly traumatized by the incident, and my mother found and smashed the horrid beast.
I would like to mention that this picture I found below....well, when I saw it in a small version there was one spider. It said "click to enlarge".....yeah, I clicked it thinking one spider would look bigger and my god, three fucking spiders pop up.....and yeah I screamed (like a little girl). ;)
That pic made me scream like a little girl.

I hate spiders, snakes - you know, all the usual stuff.

But I can usually control myself around them.

I have one unreasonable fear. I don't know where it came from. I just know as soon as I see them, I will walk the other way or hide behind anyone I am with.


They send me into a panic. I have no desire to feed them, pet them or even save them when they have swallowed a fish hook or something.

I hate ducks.
As a lot of people may already know, I hate dogs that can kill me. I actually have a bonafide phobia of big dogs. I do better around them now, but it still noticeable that I am really, really uncomfortable around them.
Another quickie story on my horrid spider phobia....I'll call this one...

"The Bank Has Eyes"

When I speak of a bank, I am not talking your local financial institution, I'm speaking of a river bank. Those of you who know a little about me know I was raised in the country, and hell yeah, I love to go fishing. Give me a bag of weed, a trout line, jugs and decent bait, my ass is ready to head out in the boat.
When I was married to my ex (this was like 12 years ago, I suppose), the two of us went fishing. We put out two trout lines on the river and set out about 20 jugs. (for you city folks;) a trout line is a long line with multiple hooks that you drape across the water. You tie down both ends so it doesn't get carried away...jugs, are just that, you use a plastic jug and tie a string and hook on to it and set them afloat, of course all these hooks are baited) Okay now that you've been country fishin' educated. I'll get on with it...
We were in the boat checking all the lines....it was around 2am dark as shit. Joe (the ex) rowed the boat and I held the flashlight and net. We had a lantern sitting in the boat. Well dammit to hell, there was a jug flopping all over the fucking place, under a tree laid over in the water, a river snag. Had to retrieve the jug, so Joe guides the boat towards the bank where I can get over on some limbs and grab the jug. As we get closer and closer to the bank I see all these fucking eyes staring at me. WTF??? I'm like Joe what the fuck are those eyes...don't know, he says. Well I found out soon enough, they were hundreds of wolf spiders on the side of the river bank and the root of the fallen tree. I start freaking the fuck out....screaming to get the fuck out of there, and he bumps the fucking boat right up against the bank....I thought I was going to piss, shit and puke all at the same time. I almost bailed the fuck out of that boat.....yes, I did grab the jug all quick like and we got the fuck out of there. I had to smash several spiders in the boat. My god, it was fucking tragic. Damn, good thing back at camp, had some Xanax and a good bag of weed. Jesus Christ....I need a Xanax after telling that story.
As a lot of people may already know, I hate dogs that can kill me. I actually have a bonafide phobia of big dogs. I do better around them now, but it still noticeable that I am really, really uncomfortable around them.

Same here. But in my case, I'd add that any dog big enough to get near my crotch, and then actually does, frightens me, no matter how docile they're said to be. Of course, I would think the logic behind it is pretty damn clear.
I'm deathly afraid of deep water. I can swim, my mom made me take lessons shit, but I only swim in emergency situations. Like, maybe 5 years ago some idiot parents weren't watching their 2 year old in a pool, and my husband and I were watching her run around cuz she was adorable, well, she jumped right into the deep end.
It was apparent she couldn't swim so I jumped in and got her out and then yelled at her idiot mother to watch her child so that I didn't have to.
I was so amazed that I just jumped in after her, the pool wasn't 30 ft deep or anything, I just hate water deeper than I am tall.
As a lot of people may already know, I hate dogs that can kill me. I actually have a bonafide phobia of big dogs. I do better around them now, but it still noticeable that I am really, really uncomfortable around them.

Same here. I can never trust dogs that belong to other people. They always say they don't bite or they are friendly but I don't believe them, especially if it's something like a pit bull or a rott. I've had countless dreams of dogs killing me. I've had a couple of close calls with dogs on the streets but I've never been bitten. Like you, I am really on edge whenever I am around dogs. The only time I can ever relax is if it is my dog or if they are too small to do any harm to me.
I'm deathly afraid of deep water. I can swim, my mom made me take lessons shit, but I only swim in emergency situations. Like, maybe 5 years ago some idiot parents weren't watching their 2 year old in a pool, and my husband and I were watching her run around cuz she was adorable, well, she jumped right into the deep end.
It was apparent she couldn't swim so I jumped in and got her out and then yelled at her idiot mother to watch her child so that I didn't have to.
I was so amazed that I just jumped in after her, the pool wasn't 30 ft deep or anything, I just hate water deeper than I am tall.

I'm afraid of heights as well as being in deep water. The two go hand in hand for me.
I panicked when I went snorkelling off the coast of Antigua about 10 years ago because I swam out around 200 yards and the continental shelf sloped too much for my liking. I panicked and just had a rush of blood and swam back like mad until I could touch the bottom.
My other fear/dislike is Rats, Mice and Pigeons. Rats and Mice make me crawl, but half the issue is the fact these animals carry germs and diseases and I freak out.
My cat kills mice for fun and leaves an array of headless corpses as well as just the back legs and tail. I stepped on one of these corpses in the kitchen a few years back and I screamed like a little girl and poured bleach on my foot and scrubbed it with an old towel.
It's making me shiver thinking about it.
you do realize that if your cat is killing those mice and shit, then it is carrying those same germs too.

i bet that your cat is a big pussy anyway.
That WAS a fun conversation, wasn't it, Hip! :)

It's interesting to read about people's phobias, especially when they are so basic. I often find myself wondering, "How come I haven't developed any of these?" Lord knows, the opportunity has been there.

The truth is, I have no debilitating phobias. In fact, I have none even severe enough to deter me from performing certain activities.

That's not to say that some of these things don't make me uncomfortable, though...

Spiders - Growing up, I couldn't afford to be scared of spiders. My mother had the most severe arachniphobia I've ever witnessed, unable to bear even the sight of a spider in a magazine or on TV. Of course, my little sister took right after her. Because my father worked all day, I was the household's designated spider-slayer. As young as 4, I managed to overcome my discomfort by conversing with the spider before killing it, often pleading with it to not make this any harder than it had to be and to come out from that corner. :p

Deep water - As some of you may be aware, Puget Sound is one of only three protected deep water ports on the entire west coast of these continents. With such deep water comes some huge octopi and weird, 6-gilled sharks. Washington State has an extensive ferry system to navigate said waters, and goofing around on ferries was one of my family's favorite pasttimes.

Heights - my fear of heights is...reasonable. I can hang out at the top of the Space Needle with no anxiety, but you won't see me playing at a cliff's edge or swinging the carriage of a ferris wheel. So long as no one's being foolish, I'm fine.

Dogs - Strangely enough, I was bitten in the face when I was about 2 years old, but managed to escape a phobia. I've still got a scar in the middle of my upper lip. Just as soon as I was able, I went out and got a big, scary dog of my own. Even around other people's big, scary dogs, I'm not particularly worried about getting bit. Even if I were to get bitten, how many people die annually in this country as the result of injuries they sustained from a dog? Not many, and most of those are little kids.

Lots of things can get a shriek or gasp out of me, though. Just about anything I'm surprised by, be it a bug or dog or person. I'm certainly not scare-proof.

Other things will make me anxious feeling. These things would include tales of extraordinarily large animals, be it a squid or a croc or a snake, etc. Some parents tell their children fairy tales before bed. My father would tell me tales of giant squid with hooks so big, beached sperm whales will occasionally exhibit scars the size of dinner plates from them. He'd also tell me of anacondas in S. America and S.E. Asia that may grow in excess of previously recorded lengths of 30ft, or great whites that grow in excess of the commonly accepted 20ft maximum length. Movies like Jaws and Anaconda may prey on our imagination, but the thought that something similar may exist beyond our imagination can really freak me out if I get to thinking about it.

Shit that's bigger than it needs to be:




Another thing that really creeps me out is disease. Viral or bacterial, it doesn't matter. An example from each:

Hemorrhagic fever, a viral infection that can literally cause you to hemorrhage to death. Hemorrhagic fevers include such favorites as Yellow Fever and Ebola. The good news? Like with many of the most heinous illnesses and organisms that whore Mother Earth has to offer, you're safe inside of Western civilization. The bad news? It can be weaponised.


Necrotising fasciitis, bacterial infections caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria. You don't have to go third world to pick up this bad boy. Whether it's surgery, a simple scratch or spontaneous development, this type of infection is becoming increasingly difficult to shake. Thank you, fuckers who don't take your antibiotics EXACTLY as prescribed, and a double middle finger to all the doctors out there who prescribe antibiotics for no solid reason.

I hate sharks. I was snorkeling in the gulf of Mexico and saw a group. The resulting trail was yellow.
Water would be my weakness. I do not know how to swim. I never learned. Both of my parents never learned. I grew up going to the pool, but never learned.

We had a week of swimming when I was in fourth grade. We went to the pool for a week. They did not teach me SHIT. The first day they had us swim from one side of the shallow end to the other so they could group us according to how well we swam. Three of us walked across. It was one of the most embarrassing moments in my life. The good swimmers played at the deep end diving off the diving board and shit. The so so swimmers swam around or something and the three of us non swimmers did not learn shit. They strapped floaties on us and had us swim around the shallow end. That is not going to teach us. I fucking HATED that week.

I went on a deep sea fishing trip while on vacation in FL in highschool. I was fine. We went on a trip around Tampa Bay as well and I was fine.

I went to Grand Tetons NP and Yellowstone NP for a week while I lived in UT. My friend rented a canoe from the university and we took it out on Lake Jackson in Grand Tetons. This was my first ever experience on a canoe. It was the third time I was ever in a boat on the water. It was my friend, his girl, his dog and I in the canoe. His girl and the dog were in the middle. They allow powerboats on this lake. We paddled out to an island in the middle. Powerboats would go zooming by leaving HUGE wakes coming at us. The fucking dog could not stop standing up and sitting down causing the canoe to rock back and forth vigorously. I was fucking terrified! I was on the verge of a MASSIVE panic attack. I really almost started to cry. I had a life vest on, but that shit was no comfort. All I could think about was how fucking deep that lake had to be. I just kept picturing myself thrashing around and then slowly sinking to the bottom, sucking in the icey water. That shit still freaks me out. We got across and got back to shore without incident. We went out the next day and stuck close to the shore. Without the wakes of the powerboats, I was fine.

When I met my wife she had an annual canoe trip that she went on with her siblings and friends. They did a two day, 24 mile trip (12 miles each day) down the north fork of the Shenandoah River. I skipped the trip the first year, but went the following. I was very nervous and told her that I did not swim. The river was running high that weekend. After about a mile on the first leg, you hit a set of rapids. They are pretty burly when the river is running as high as it was. I was fucking scared. Amy kept telling me that we could pull out of the water before them and walk the canoe past if I wanted. My fear of being embarrassed kicked in I would not consent to that. Luckily for me, we were running so late the first morning that we got dropped off further down river well past said rapids. The trip was awesome! I had a blast and could not wait for the following years trip.

We have gone on the trip every year since. I am COMPLETELY comfortable in a canoe now. I don't even wear the life vest unless we are going through heavy rapids. I even choose to run the middle of the rapids instead of taking the easy route, hugging the bank when the river is high. We have never flipped.:cool: I will stand in the back of the canoe and paddle like a gondola dirver at times. I think the trips have helped to alleviate most of my water phobia.

The only other phobia I have is, I guess, a form of claustrophobia. I am not so much afraid of small or tight places, I just need to be able to move my limbs. I have gone into some tight spaces. I have explored old mines and teeny tiny mine shafts supported by hundred year old wood beams where I had to belly crawl for a couple hundred feet in the UT desert. I am ok with that. What freaks me the fuck out and will make me scream is being restraind so that I cannot move my legs, arms, hands or feet. I would really start to freak when there was a pile on during a football game (neighborhood, not pee wee or school) growing up. I could not take being on the bottom of a pile. I would just start to scream for people to get the fuck off of me.

I'm ok with everything else. Some bugs creep me out, but I don't have a phobia. It's just kind of a shudder and "Ewww, thats creepy". I am fine with heights. I used to climb when I lived in UT. I can stand at the edge of a several hundred foot drop and peer over. I can get on a plane without issue. My fear with flying is that they will lose my luggage.:D
The spider is big no doubt but the thing that made me squirm was the number of spiders. I don't know what I would do if I turned a light on and saw all those staring back at me. Probably run out of the house and find a person more manly than I.
Holy mother of God. It would be a Beccabuffet bcs if I walked in a room and saw that damn thing, I would pass the fuck out. The size of that thing and the number of hungry little babies...yep, I'd be done for.
Yes dammit!! I was gullible enough to look. I would sit on my couch in a puddle of piss with my mouth open and no sound coming out.

That thing is freakin scary! Makes you wonder what is under the bed, if that mutha is up in the corner!!
I am not really scared of any of these things. I was however severly un-nerved by a few events that happened a couple of years ago. It was just a few months after my former husband died in a motorcycle accident. Any of you whom have read my introduction know that I have other family members that live with me. Well, they began to report hearing strange noises and seeing "shadows" walk down the hall from my bedroom to the master bathroom. They all claimed that these were Luke. (My dead husband.) I was like, Yeah, right. Well, one night I was sitting on my bed trying to relax after a long day at work and my niece (who was pregnant at that time, and was extremely close to Luke) came in followed by my nephew (whom Luke did not like). Said nephew was giving niece a hard time and I told him," you better stop that before Luke comes after you", you know, kinda playing along with them. They were standing about 3 ft apart and no sooner were the words out of my mouth than I saw his head bob forward and heard his hair gel crackle like someone had popped him in the back of the head! I kid you not folks, there was no one near him and SOMEONE popped him in the back of his head! He even yelled OUCH! Then, a few weeks after that, I was laying in bed crying because I was still so depressed and upset( losing him almost killed me) when I felt someone sit down on the side of the bed and begin to stroke my hair. I opened my eyes really quick and their was no one in my locked bedroom but me!! And I was not imagining it! After that I strongly felt his prescence on a regular basis and dreamed about him several times until I met the guy I'm married to now. I only dream about Luke now, however, that was all some pretty freaky shit.

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