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This is a pretty long article but there are some odd things that have come up.

The killer shot Gorenberg, who was alone, and left her to die on the side of the road not far from the mall.

Gorenberg had just bought a John Legend CD, which authorities found inside her Mercedes SUV stereo -- the car that the killer later dumped behind a nearby Home Depot.

The CD's case, Gorenberg's sneakers and her purse were missing when authorities discovered the SUV less than an hour later.

She was wearing a piece of costume jewelry that has friends and family scratching their heads. An interlocking ring was found on her finger that people close to her had not seen before -- raising the eerie possibility that the killer may have slipped it on her before shooting her, Miller said.

Police are also intrigued by a white Chrysler 300 spotted on surveillance video following what appears to be Gorenberg's SUV behind the Home Depot. It is possible the driver of that vehicle helped the killer escape.

[This is the one more people are aware of. Mother and daughter bound and shot inside an idling SUV the day after TG during Black Friday sales]
Police believe the Bochicchios were abducted sometime after 3 p.m. shortly after they exited the mall near Sears and Neiman Marcus.

The assailant, who bound them with duct tape, plastic ties, handcuffs and goggles, forced them to drive him to an ATM and take $500 from their account.

A 911 call was placed by Bochicchio's cellphone, but was disconnected before she could talk to dispatchers.

It is unknown where the two were killed, but a mall security guard noticed their SUV idling shortly before midnight. He called police, who found the Bochicchios bound and shot.

Friday, police released footage of the Bochicchios walking through the mall the day they were killed and video of their SUV pulling up to and leaving a bank where it is believed they were ordered to take out money by the killer.

Authorities believe the Bochicchios' killer also abducted and bound a woman and her 2-year-old son outside the same mall on Aug. 7.

The family was able to escape, and provided police with a description that led to the composite sketch.

Detectives also are looking at a robbery that occurred at Mizner Park on Aug. 10, ''but there are more dissimilarities than similarities,'' said Officer Sandra Boonenberg, a spokeswoman for Boca Raton police.
